They look so good togather -Lily, October 24, 2013
A pretty couple. -Ravindra pathirana, November 10, 2011
so cute and hot 2 gather -diva, June 30, 2010
cool beans i love michael jackson!!!!!!!!!!! -michael jackson, May 1, 2010
can you do thi for me, -IXGvtHjEqqNshkHomL, July 30, 2009
best for you, -idPPuguTNIVgSNJe, July 30, 2009
So where it to find?, -heLRrAtbpGXLPXy, July 30, 2009
can you do thi for me, -dAdGWOStyYqFzkyc, July 30, 2009
Great site. Keep doing., -MvxmStySNsKfT, July 29, 2009
they are so beautiful sweet couple -anonymous, July 19, 2009
im joking but some ppl get on my norve but i would not or lets say NEVER NEVER in my LIVE 4 reallllll!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!LOL -Jaqueline, April 15, 2009
Very nice site! -pweourru, April 14, 2009
Very nice site! -upypyryo, January 1, 2009
they should smile more but beautifull pictures -michele loves china, December 16, 2008
outfits not dresses!! lol!! -mellisa, September 30, 2008
wow i love their dresses -mellisa, September 30, 2008
Very Beautiful Picture -Canadian, Augest 11, 2008
cheese!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!beautiful !!!!!!!LoL
-H3V4, July 8, 2008
wOOOwww !! beautifull pictureeee :) -charlOtte <3 jOrdan, July 8, 2008
THey dont look happy -Roberto, March 15, 2008
they should be more happier -roberto, March 15, 2008
they look so cute 2gether and they fit together (ying & yang) -Marriah, March 14, 2008
that is so beautiful -amomynous, February 6, 2008
it is a really mice picture you both look lovely :) -Rebecca , Canada NB, December 21, 2007
i think it is beautiful -RAchel, November 13, 2007
pretty -tamika, October 18, 2007
impressive pic. it's beautiful her dress is even better
-chihow young, October 11, 2007
pretty dress -kl, October 11, 2007
Great picture. Such a happy couple, such a treasured photo!! -Kimberley, March 24, 2007
its soooo cool posing in the lovely winter.... cant find anything ungly in this pic... hope u guys enjoy ur wedding in the winter -angel, March 13, 2007
aaaaaaaw how cute those 2 look 2gether how cool -alexis vigil, December 13, 2006
bride is looking so beautiful..her necklace adds her beauty.. -divya asthana,india., November 16, 2006
"oh no lets go master!!!!!" -Tania, September 28, 2006
"Oh look its godzilla" -Tania, September 28, 2006
So sweet^^ -Shan Lei, September 24, 2006
look a flying dragon -hi all, May 27, 2006
Look a shooting star. -Joe Smith, May 23, 2006
your wife is so pretty -amy, April 28, 2006
da brides gorgeous!! -maya, April 27, 2006
I love the background of this pic. -bebe, April 12, 2006
shes beautiful
-kimberly, March 7, 2006
They look like they were made for each other.They look happy 2gether. -April, February 22, 2006
I love her dress!! -Rebecca Klein, Augest 30, 2005
Where did he get his white suite from, makes the photo look astonishing -Chang Dao, July 19, 2005
they look fine together -nella, June 1, 2005
they look good together
-j sam, March 5, 2005
Chinese beauty! -coco, February 18, 2005 |